"'My body never looked better than when I did the keto diet two and half years ago when I did it for two months,” she wrote in a blog post for her lifestyle website, Poosh.com. “In my experience, I’ve found the best method to train my body to curb sugar cravings, burn fat, and kick-start weight loss is by sticking to a keto diet.”
One of the fastest and easiest ways to detox is to keep your body in a state of ketosis.
Going plant based during a the short term helps your body detox and burn fat naturally. A better option to get better results is to follow the keto plan for weight plan loss for a month, adding some keto soups.
Whilst there are many keto meal delivery in Dubai flooding the market, One of the best ways is to go for a quick 5 days kick start cleanse and follow it up with a good plan that includes fats, plants, and protein.
Order the 5 days Keto Cleanse with us; It's one of our best keto diets for weight loss. We will customize the plan for you. As one of our clients, Ahmed Awad said- I lost 6 Kilos in 7 days. 😁😁