Here are some of the health benefits of juicing that’ll help you live a healthier lifestyle.
1. How many of you really can eat two to three Kilos of vegetables each day?
Juicing makes this possible because this process involves extracting juice. And leaving off the pulp, which takes digestion off the equation and introduces nutrients directly to the bloodstream.
Since you’re drinking rather than eating, you’re able to take in more vegetables, thus absorbing more nutrients without stuffing yourself too much with a lot of fiber. This is one of the best health benefits of juicing.
Juices work on the principle of raw food diet, and in a juice detox primarily, one incorporates close to 5 kilos of raw plants in one day. That's a lot.
Our best juice cleanse in Dubai is sure to give you that juice detox you’re looking for and help you live a healthier lifestyle.
2. It allows you to consume a broader range of vegetables which helps your body to get more nutrients

How many different types of vegetables do you cook in a week?
No matter how we try, we limit ourselves in terms of variety.
You have lots of options in terms of recipes and are limited only by the fruits and vegetables available in the grocery store.
Go organic; the best juice cleanse in Dubai can help you here because our juicing can add a lot more variety.
If you juice before every meal, you can use 5 to 6 different vegetables per day including dark leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. This clearly stands as one of the most important health benefits of juicing as it allows you to add more variety and, with that, more nutrients.
3. It feeds good bacteria to the gut
Most of us don’t know this, but a third of our immune system is located in our digestive tract, and countless research shows that the key to a healthy body is in a healthy gut.
What does juicing have to do with this?
Eating food rich in prebiotics, such as in leeks and bananas, increases good bacteria in the gut by 133 million.
Vegetables are one of the best sources of these prebiotics. Light green, dark green, and yellow-colored vegetables are rich in carotene, Vitamin C and E, and folate that help fight colon cancer.
Ginger is another ingredient that aids digestion and heals an upset stomach, plus it has numerous other benefits.
All this simply states that one of the ways of improving digestive health is adding the right amount of fruit and vegetables to your diet through a juice detox.