Go to Greens Pack | Green Juice for Weight Loss | Pure Green Juice – GoOrganic ME
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Go to Greens Pack

Go to Greens Pack

Regular price AED 149.00

Inclusive of 5% VAT and Delivery fee of AED 10

Whether you’re recovering from an overindulgent weekend or looking to replace sugary snacking, Go-To Greens has you covered. This GoOrganic Wellness Pack which is a pure green juice includes ten nutrient-dense, 250 ml green juices.

How to Use:
In conjunction with food, we recommend drinking our cold-pressed green juices over a 5-day period to help detox or replace unhealthy habits.

Consume two bottled green juices per day on an empty stomach, preferably one first thing in the morning and another in between meals.

Contents of Our Pure Green Juice -


 2 bottles of Braniac - Spinach, Cucumbers, lemon, ginger, apple.

2 bottles of Dynamo- Spinach, Parsley, Celery, Kale, Apple, Lemon, Dandelion greens.

2 bottles of Sweet kale- Kale, Lemon, apple.

2 bottles of Pure Green- Spinach, Cucumber,Parsley,Arabic Courgettes,Fennel ,Apple.

2 bottles of Bhakti-aloevera, coconut water, cucumbers,  apple, Pineapple, mint , Brain tonic,lemon. WITH ADDED TRIPHALA.